Rey Insurance

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So far, so good. The New York tri-state area hasn’t had to endure a lot of big snowstorms or sustained below-zero cold weather — but the season isn’t finished yet! Smart homeowners in Westchester and surrounding areas know to take preventative measures to avoid burst pipes, especially as school breaks are coming up and people may be traveling more. 

Freezing temperatures turn water into ice, which expands its volume. When this happens inside pipes, the pressure increases until they finally burst, leaving you without running water, in addition to serious flooding, ruined belongings, and even structural damage — all of which can add up to inconvenience and costly repairs.

To prevent this headache, keep the water in your pipes from freezing: 

  • Leave the water at a slow trickle (a little more than a drip).
  • Insulate pipes in cold places, like crawlspaces and anywhere they run along exterior walls.
  • Leave cabinet and closet doors with water pipes open to ensure warm air circulates around pipes near the outer walls of your home. 
  • Don’t turn the heat down too much when you’re away, especially if the temperatures outside will be below freezing for a long time. Pipes are often located near exterior walls or under your house and will need extra warmth to stay above freezing. Experts debate the right temperature, but we recommend at least 60 degrees. 

If your pipes are frozen or in danger of freezing: 

  • Turn the faucets on, so the water has somewhere to go if any flow resumes. Otherwise, pressure will build. 
  • Use a space heater, safely, to keep pipes warm in cold places. (Remember: Don’t put it near anything flammable or combustible, keep it level on the floor, and never leave it on or plugged in when you leave the room or aren’t home.)

Count on the professionals at Rey Insurance to keep you apprised of what your homeowners policy does and doesn’t cover so you’re prepared. As independent insurance brokers, we’ll ensure you are informed of ways to mitigate risk to your home — and offer the right coverage for your needs. We’ve been advising and customizing plans for satisfied customers for 45 years. Find out more about how Rey Insurance can help you. Visit or call 914-631-7628.