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Reduce Your Points and Insurance Rate with a Defensive Driving Course

Driving comes with many responsibilities. Topping the list is safety, which is why many states, including New York State, offer incentives for drivers to remain vigilant and comply with road safety rules through defensive driving courses.

There are many private companies and organizations throughout Westchester County and surrounding areas that offer both in-person and online DMV-approved defensive driving classes. The courses run for six hours and provide information and techniques for safe and lawful driving.

Benefits of taking a defensive driving course:

Insurance Discount: Upon successful completion of the course, a defensive driving discount (in New York) will be applied to the base rate of your current liability, no-fault and collision insurance premiums that will be good for three years. After the discount expires, you can retake the defensive driving course to secure your discount for another three years.

Point reduction: In addition to your discount, the defensive driving course can reduce up to four points on your driving record. The number of points applied to your license depends on how many moving violations you have. The number also dictates how close you are to losing your license. For example, in New York, your driver’s license might get suspended if you get 11 points in an 18-month period. It’s important to note that while points may be removed from your license with a defensive driving course, these incidents/violations are still on record with your insurance company, which can result in surcharges.

Become a safer driver: Every time you hit the road, you never know what to expect – accidents, bad weather, aggressive drivers. By completing a defensive driving course, you’re better equipped to handle whatever comes your way with more confidence. These defensive driving skills will help keep you and others safe on the road.

Let Rey Insurance help pave the way for savings

The team at Rey Insurance is always working to help save you money. While there are many defensive driving courses available throughout the area, we recommend the six-hour course offered by My Improv.  Be sure to use our special promo code, LAURA10, to save $10 on the cost of the course. Find out more about how Rey Insurance can handle all of your auto insurance needs. Visit us or call 914-631-7628.